Saturday, October 18, 2014

Life @ NUST: 5 - Weekend before OHTs

OHTs stands for One Hour Tests

So here I am sitting on my bed with the laptop on my lap. Constant chatting going on facebook with friends and what do I notice? My Uni mates are online! I thought they would be studying but NO...they are all online!

Well that is something we all did in colleges as well. Papers going on and everyone using facebook till they are forced by their parents to study or they become desperate to learn and pass the exam.

What I've also noticed is that I am curious about preparing for the OHTs but haven't started preparing yet...Shame on me! but still I am a bit better from others as I have been preparing somewhat during the class. Yet there is the test to be given and I'll be sitting idle with the rest of my classmates as I will have the same information in my mind as they all will have.

Its a bit exciting to know that OHTs will be held we will all be seated apart from each other. Now there won't be any help from any sides at all! Poor me...I'll surely fail if I don't prepare.

Along with all this, we all need some support to know that what we have studied up till now will surely help us in the tests. That is why I've asked a classmate to help me in studying Discrete Maths. That way I would easily get to know how much of my body is under the water.

Time is flying fast and before we could get a hold of University environment, OHTs are being held. God help me and my friends to survive this horrible situation.

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