Finally my University life is becoming awesome. At first, I was a bit worried why I can't adjust to the people and why do people don't stick around me. But then I realized the problem is I am not making myself of that much worth to them.
Hence, I decided it is time to make them realize that I am an important part of the class and they have to take me with them. But first, I had to make a strong impression on them so they may realize my importance.
I am not the best at photography, but I am still good at it. My class was going on a "Hiking Trip" to a place called "Mukshpuri". I decided to reside with them and take as many snaps as I could of the whole class.
Unfortunately, half of the class disagreed to go due to their own problems but I stuck to the remaining nineteen people and left with them for hiking.
It was nevertheless a great trip; we all walked and talked and then again walked till we reached The Mukshpuri Peak. It was really a blissful sight; all the surrounding mountains, unending lines of trees, the abundant nature.
Anyways, I did what I came for here; I took as many snaps as I could and when I turned to look how many I had taken, I had crossed 500 (575 to be exact). I told the people how my DSLR battery was about to finish when we ended the hike. They were all amazed as well as being happy that I had snapped a lot of moments.
What I said to myself at that moment was "Now is the beginning of the Unity". It surely was. At least the 19 people who went together were now pretty much close to each other as compared to the rest of the class. This was my aim and a great thanks to God Almighty who helped me fulfill it.
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